Online and cloud based Accountants and Tax Advisors
Online and cloud based Accountants and Tax Advisors 

Raising business finance



One of the most common causes of business failure is badly structured or inadequate financing. At every stage in its growth a business needs to maintain a balance between a positive cashflow with adequate working capital on the one hand and a reasonable return to shareholders on the other.


The ability of your business to obtain adequate financial support from your bank can often depend just as much on the relationship you have with your bank manager, as the figures in your accounts and cashflow forecasts.

We have excellent relationships with bank managers in various areas, who we know from past experience go that extra mile for their clients.

Office hours


Monday to Friday:

9 am to 6.00 pm

Saturdays: With Prior appoinment


MK Tax & Accounting
The Pinnacle

150 Midsummer Boulevard

Milton Keynes



Tel: 01908 424 335


Online appointment

During Covid-19 we are working remotely as we use online cloud based systems. Call us today for your free initial Skype consultation


Tel: 01908 424 335



Alternatively, please use our contact form.

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